Linux Vs Windows Command Line

The Most Popular command line for windows and linux that was used in our daily tasks. learn this command line and develop your skills became an pro on command line for both platform

1.dirls -lDirectory listing
2.renmvRename a file
3.copycpCopying a file
4.movemvMoving a file
5.clsclearClear Screen
6.delrmDelete file
7.fcdiffCompare contents of files
8.findgrepSearch for a string in a file
9.command /?man commandDisplay the manual/help details of the command
10.chdirpwdReturns your current directory location
11.timedateDisplays the time
12.cdcdChange the current directory
13.mdmkdirTo create a new directory/folder
14.echoechoTo print something on the screen
15.editvim(depends on editor)To write in to files.
16.exitexitTo leave the terminal/command window.
17.formatmke2fs or mformatTo format a drive/partition.
18.freememTo display free space.
19.rmdirrm -rf/rmdirTo delete a directory.
20.taskkillkillTo kill a task.
21.tasklistps xTo list running tasks.
22.set var=valueexport var=valueTo set environment variables.
23.attribchown/chmodTo change file permissions.
24.tracerttracerouteTo print the route packets trace to network host.
25.atcrondaemon to execute scheduled commands.
26.typecatTo print contents of a file.
27.pingpingTo send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts.
28.nslookupnslookupTo query Internet name servers interactively.
29.chdiskdu -sFor disk usage.
30.treels -RTo list directory recursively.

This Page was useful to Beginner 

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