How to fix a corrupt zsh history file


In this blog we are explaining how to fix the "zsh: corrupt error" on kali Linux

first thing what is zsh error??. kail linux 2020.4 zsh is the new default shell

zsh: corrupt history file /home/kali/.zsh_history

ZSH stands for Z Shell Pronounced as zee shell. 

ZSH is the upgrade version of bash script with more advanced kinds of stuff 

this error happens occasionally not frequently,

its corrupt zsh history file prevention you from the 'fc'

command or searching the history.

 If you wish to revert back to bash, please do the following command line from below

chsh -s /bin/bash

We Noted Some Cool things ZSH shell 

-- No need to use the cd command to change the directory We just type the directory name as well its automatically pick up that directory.

-- ZSH supports plugins and themes also

-- ZSH is supported auto spell corrections and suggestions also

How to fix that error?? run the below command line to fix that error 

cd ~ mv .zsh_history .zsh_history_bad strings -eS .zsh_history_bad > .zsh_history fc -R .zsh_history

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